Ethical Breeding for Healthy Chow Chow Puppies
Our Commitment
We breed top-quality Chow Chow puppies in Canada, ensuring health, temperament, and responsible practices.
About chows
At The Lucky Chows , we pride ourselves on being dedicated breeders of top-quality Chow Chow puppies. Our focus is on responsible breeding practices that prioritize the health and well-being of our dogs. We ensure that our puppies are raised in a loving environment, receiving proper care and socialization. By adhering to high standards, we aim to contribute positively to the Chow Chow breed and provide families with healthy, happy companionsUK study found the life expectancy of the Chow Chow to be 12.1 years, just higher than the 12 year average for crossbreeds and lower than the 12.7 years average for purebreeds.[13]
Skeletal conditions
A North American study looking at more than a million records of dogs found 6.44% of Chow Chow dogs to have hip dysplasia compared with 3.52% overall. The study also found 4.3% of Chow Chow dogs to have cranial cruciate ligament deficiency compared to 2.52% overall.[14]
Another North American study looking at more than 250,000 elbow scans found the Chow Chow to have the highest prevalence of elbow dysplasia, with 48.6% of dogs over the age of 2 having elbow dysplasia.[15]
Ophthalmological conditions
A North American study looking at glaucoma in dog breeds found the Chow Chow to have the third highest prevalence with 4.7% of Chow Chow dogs having glaucoma compared to 0.89% overall.[16]
Dermatological conditions
A study looking at records from a small animal clinic at the University of Montreal found the Chow Chow to be predisposed to alopecia X.[17]
A review of studies in Australia found the Chow Chow to be prediposed to atopic dermatitis with a 7.1 odds ratio.[18]
A US case study found a predisposition to pemphigus foliaceus with an odds ratio of 12.3.[19]
At The Lucky Chows Australia, we prioritize ethical breeding practices, ensuring our chow chow puppies are raised in a loving environment for their well-being and health.